Rock and Roll A Typhoon by Dennis Greenbaum ![]()
In addition to eight hand-carved notes, the knife features two hand carved saxophones on one side, cut directly out of the stainless steel handles, and two carved guitars on the other side. Dennis tells me that when he saw Hall & Oates in concert last year and they were touring with a kick-ass saxophone player.
The latch that comes with the kit does not offer much in the way of "real estate" for Dennis' carving, and, after so much embelishment of the rest of the knife, he didn't want to leave the latch plain. So, Dennis made his own, larger latch using 416 SS. Hollow bodied instruments such guitars and violins, historically have openings in the front panels called "F" holes. Dennis chose to depict one of these "F" holes by carving into the base of the latch. His signature has been hand "engraved" on the underside of the latch and is visible only when the latch has been popped open.
After replacing so much of the original kit with his own materials, Dennis Greenbaum's experience with the "Rock 'n Roll Typhoon" has led him to the inevitable decision to only work on his own knives from this point on. "Most new knifemakers begin with the blade and work their way to the handle, I guess you could say I chose to start with the handle and work my way to the blade." He has already established himself in the knife world through his detailed embellishment work. Dennis is currently working on his first "sole authorship" knife, which he expects to have completed in the next few weeks. Dennis is currently offering the one-of-a-kind Rock-And-Roll Balisong shown here for sale. The asking price is $725. Dennis is open to new commissions of balisong and other knives. To purchase the Rock-And-Roll Balisong or to discuss a commission, you can contact Dennis by e-mail: dgreenbaum at comcast dot net
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