Balisongs And Caviar A Balisong Collector Special Exhibit C23 You may click on any image in this exhibit to see a higher-resolution version The high-res images average about 250K. Each opens in a new window. C23 features rare and beautiful tri-color Mokume-Gane by Devon Thomas Since Mokume-Gane was first made in 1650AD, virtually all of it has had a random, wavy pattern of alternating colored lines just as you saw on T3-X. It is only recently that a few modern artists using the extraordinary control possible with today's tools have begun to make Mokume-Gane with elaborate patterns. This is truly a rare and exquisite material. The three colors, gold, silver, and red, come from a careful and artful fusing of three different metal alloys. Remember, the colorful design is not painted or printed on. The pattern is part of the metal. It goes all the way through. Mr. Thomas calls this Mokume-Gane pattern, "Rain Drop." While Pabu Knife calls this piece C23, I call this baliSONG "Singing In The Rain."