Balisongs And Caviar A Balisong Collector Special Exhibit T3-X You may click on any image in this exhibit to see a higher-resolution version The high-res images average about 250K. Each opens in a new window. T3-X is one of the famous Pabu 3D Kris blade balisongs The blade made of Devon Thomas Damascus Steel. Damascus steel is made by folding layers of slightly different steel alloys. The different alloys etch to different colors giving the patterned appearance. The pattern is not painted on or some sort of surface finish. It is part of the metal. Modern Damascus masters such as Devon Thomas have progressed well-beyond simple folding and the more-or-less random wavy-line patterns that result. Today's best Damascus artists achieve elaborate and carefully- planned patterns in steel. Devon Thomas is widely acknowledged an one of the best modern makers of Damascus steel for knives. Remember, you can click on the image to see a high-resolution view. One of the first things people ask when they see a 3D Kris is: "How do you grind that?" The answer is: You don't! It's filed out... by hand. T3-X is 5 3/8" long when closed (14.5cm), 9 3/4" long when open (24.8cm), and weighs 8 1/2 ounces (241g)