Manipulation Videos The Balisong Collector In Action

Most of these manipulation videos are presented in .avi format. Files are not further compressed. If you need an avi viewer, there are several shareware viewers available for free download. Here is a link to just one place that I am aware of:

Some of these files are quite large. You may wish to review my download time estimator before starting.

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8 sec.

The rarely seen art of manipulating the Leatherman PST. Yes, that is an ordinary Leatherman PST. Fastest pliers in the West!

1 min. 22 sec.

An extended, free-style balisong manipulation featuring several transitions including a vertical toss-and-catch transition and a couple of hand exchanges. (You just don't see those aerials very often.)

8 sec.

A combative draw and opening from a horizontal sheath done in slow-motion for the camera. At full-speed, this draw and opening is done in less than one second.

12 sec.

Not me in this one, but one of my readers who sent this fine quality video of a few classic manipulations. Very smooth, eh?

3 sec.


Only three seconds, but well worth it. One of my friends, Cameron, demonstrates one of the most difficult of aerials, a behind-the-back toss-and-catch aerial opening. Very nicely done. Impressive.

This is a very dangerous type of opening to do. The potential to cut or stab yourself is very high. So, if you'd like to try this, I strongly suggest taping the blade and wearing eye protection.



5 sec.



2 sec.


Here's my friend Cameron, a.k.a. The Balisong Man, further demonstrating his air superiority. This is great stuff, very advanced, and he pulls it off with confidence.

Again, these are dangerous techniques. Cameron pulls 'em off with grace and style, but he is a trained professional. Don't try this at home, kids... or at least start with a taped blade if you do.


There's more to come! If you've got video of your own techniques, send it to me.