Balisongs And Caviar A Balisong Collector Special Exhibit C23 The handle channels are cut full-length to allow the longest blade possible. The latch is very similar to T3-X and also features the spring-loaded ball-and-detent as seen on T3-X. Notice that the latch is Damascus steel. This Mokume-Gane material has a beautiful pattern on the fronts. But the sides are rather lack-luster. The pattern visible on the sides is just fine wavy lines, and not even that wavy. On the sides where the channels are cut, this isn't a problem. But, to dress up the outsides, Pabu added two long, thin inserts of genuine ivory. Eventually, I may try to get some scrimshaw done on those ivory inserts to dress the sides up some. But I haven't come up with a motif that would fit well on such a long, narrow bit of ivory. We'll see. C23 is a very large and heavy knife. Closed, it is about 6 3/8" (15.5cm) long overall. Open, it's 11 3/4" (about 30.5cm) long. It weighs 11 ounces (312g). Click HERE to continue to go back to T3-X Click HERE To continue to ST3-X Or Click HERE to return to the Exhibit Page Click HERE to return to Gallery D Click HERE to return to The Balisong Collector's Home Page